C'est les choses dans ma tête.


Rainy Days and Mondays

Okay, well, today isn't rainy. It's quite sunny actually. I just needed a good title for this post.

I have now released a total of ten techno songs. Two of these songs are in the top 50 of their genre on the soundclick.com genre charts.


I don't have very much homework to do today.


I made it into honors English 11 for next year.

Huge yay.

So, more on that honors English. I had to do this long writing sample a couple weeks ago first thing in the morning since I was a prospect student for honors English 11. So, I go in, as tired as can be, and read this long passage. After writing an analytical essay on the passage, I was finally free to go. So, I wait for about two weeks, then finally get my response. It was funny because my mom had gotten it in the mail before I woke up, and when I came upstairs, she was trying to act all discrete about it so that I would be surprised. I just played along and acted extremely shocked, even though I already could tell I made it from the look on her face, and the way she said, "You got a response about honors English."

It was quite hilarious.

Check out my cool techno: Ethyl.


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Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh