C'est les choses dans ma tête.


Another Rainy Monday

Today sucked.
Well, not all day. Mainly just French class.

I got so sad and regretfully mad at myself.

I got a test back, a test that supposedly the 'whole' class did a wonderful job on. The whole class, but of course, me. I am such a freaking retard. I don't know how I could make so many dumb mistakes in one test! Well, my grade is probably ruined in that class now, and my GPA is going to go way down just because of that damn French class. I don't know why it has to be so difficult. I don't think foreign language is my 'thing.'


1 comment:

Ryo said...

Please don't feel so despondent.

I felt the same way when I forgot to do the backside on that one test in French last semseter. The shame and angst I suffered from that mistake didn't help me one bit. It was all in vain. What I should have done was focused on the future instead of mulling over the past. After all, it's history.

Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh