C'est les choses dans ma tête.


Review it, dumb Crit!

I wish I could be a critic. That would rock. You could sit around all day and tell people what was wrong with their work. "Yes, the piece is good. All except for that horrendous nose!"

Oh yeah.

On other news, I have been drawing a lot of my comic. My style has finally been refined to look rather nice. Unfortunately, there is the issue with the text. Text. It sucks. I wish that I had better handwritting or something, because I am afraid that the general reader won't be able to figure out what I am trying to say. So, to try to approach this issue, I went to the local Borders and read a book on comic book creating. Right when I opened the book, I went to the section on the text. They recommend:

1. Try to do hand-written, it gives it some personality.
2. If the hand-writting is bad, create a personal font.
3. Use default computer text... Sans.

So, I am trying out number one on the list, first. When this doesn't work out, if so, I will create a font. If I just can't get those fonts working. I suppose I can settle for a little comic sans.

I am kinda liking this hand-written idea. It makes the editing part so much easier. All I have to do is scan, crop, save, and post. No text editing whatsoever.

Alright. If you have been recently to check out the Beach Aliens site, you probably noticed the lack of updates. Nonono, this doesn't mean that I have stopped creating it at all. I am just trying to get my hands on my own personal scanner to use (instead of my brother's). So, I am forced to save up my own cash to get my own. Hopefully, I will have it soon. This way, I can post the 5.5 unscanned pages I have sitting on my desk.

Since this post is entitled 'Review it, dumb Crit!,' I will (without further adue) now explain. I plan on trying out new things (like Google Pages post) and talking about them here. If you didn't notice, that was kinda the idea behind the past two posts. I find I get way more page hits when I do this. Hehe. I mean, who really wants to read about what I did during my day?

No, don't get me wrong, I will still do some filler-sort posts about me, but the main focus is changing to the idea of criticism. Oh yes, wonderful criticism. Nope, I couldn't find too much interesting, fresh, and new stuff to write about today, but, maybe tomorrow.

When, which is probably soon, I get sick of being a critic, I will just stop writing those crit-ish articles, and come back to my good ol' style of talking mainly about me.

Hope to see you around.


Of Google Pages and Spores

Google Pages
Yes, I tried out Google's new Google Pages Beta deal. It's a great WYSIWYG editor, but if you are strongly attatched to your HTML, Google Pages is not for you.

I found that the best part of Google Pages was the fact that you didn't have to download anything. It was all embedded on their web's (Google Pages). The unfortunate thing in my case is their lack of Opera support. I had to open up Firefox in order to use it. (Don't worry, you die-hard IE fans can still enjoy it, too.)

Another downside, it has some small (most likely soon-to-be-solved) issues. When you publish your site, it takes approximately 10 minutes for the changes to show up. Sometimes, there are strange issues that preventing you from going to the page at all. But, I'm sure, with time, these issues will be solved. I suppose that's why this is still in its BETA stage.

So, if you:
a) have a Gmail account
b) don't have much webpage building experience
c) don't mind putting up with the BETAness

Then, this is a great thing for you to try out.
If you want to see the page I whipped up in a matter of minutes, go here:Google Pages Sample.

I am in the local Game Preserve (nerdy, I know) with Ryo on Saturday night, and he tells me about this new game coming out from Maxis (creators of Sims). The game is called Spore. ::Official Site:: Spore is a very cool, extremely innovative idea. You start out as a measly single-celled organism, and you have to evovle and become so advanced that you can actually travel to other people's planet's (with online connection), and interact with them.

This game is bound to be a huge success. It is currently going to be realest for PC, and possibly the XBox 360. I am really hoping that I can find this game on some sort of Play Station console. Whether it's the PS2 or upcoming PS3, I don't care. I just don't want to have anything to do with Xbox, and I don't have a great graphics card on my PC.

So, let's just all hope that this game doesn't require a monthly fee when it is released.



A Scanner Darkly

I just arrived home from school. Well, about two hours ago.

What did I do in those two hours?

What could possibly keep me entertained for a full two hours?

Hint>>It was just one thing.

If you knew now, without reading ahead, I would be a little scared.

Hint>>I could lay on the couch while doing it

Eh, I'd still be quite freaked out if you knew by this point.

Hint>>It didn't involve the television.

Hint>>It came in the mail.

I could see you getting it by about this point.

Hint>>I read something.

Yes, but what?

Hint>>It was a magazine.

Can you guess which one?

Okay, enough with the guessing game. I'll just tell you. I got my first issue of my year's subscription to Wired magazine. It was really a nice deal. $10 per 12 issues! Yay. I get to have my NERD feed of information.

Well, featured in the magazine (on the cover, actually) was a look at the upcoming movie, A Scanner Darkly. This movie is not your ordinary Sci-fi film. It has a very unique look and feel to it. The movie looks like it is fully animated at times, but at others, you think the characters may be real. This is due to the unique style they used for the recording of the movie. They recorded the movie as usual, but in the editing stages, they transformed the images to get a very unique look. To me, it looks like the images of the loading screen in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Here is a screenshot from the film:

Oh, I hope that this movie releases soon. It is sure to please audiences in a similar way to how Sin City did.

I am excited. I hope you are as well.



Another Rainy Monday

Today sucked.
Well, not all day. Mainly just French class.

I got so sad and regretfully mad at myself.

I got a test back, a test that supposedly the 'whole' class did a wonderful job on. The whole class, but of course, me. I am such a freaking retard. I don't know how I could make so many dumb mistakes in one test! Well, my grade is probably ruined in that class now, and my GPA is going to go way down just because of that damn French class. I don't know why it has to be so difficult. I don't think foreign language is my 'thing.'




It's a secret.

What's a secret?

If I told you, I would have to kill you.

Achoo! Blesh me. Isn't that so irking?

Don't you just hate it when people say 'blesh' instead of 'bless?' Another thing that really annoys me: words that sound the same, but could still have a several meanings. For instance:

a) a bird
b) past tense version of dive


a) an area of time
b) to be unrelaxed

Isn't that just so annoying. But, the most annoying thing about this is, that damn chocolate company named their chocolate Dove Chocolate. Which meaning is it supposed to take on? Their logo is a diving dove. So, do they mean the dive dove, or the dove bird? Both?

Oh, I suppose we will never know.



Drip Drop, The Witch is Dead

Drip drop, drip drop. I am going insane. Well, no I am not, but if I were, I probably wouldn't know it.

If anyone is going insane, it would definately be Ryo. Seriously, it really wouldn't surprise me too much. He works himself so, so, so, so hard, and runs on almost no food or sleep. I admire him for his devoted effort.

So, ryo can make a 3D tank in Blender in about 5 minutes. Shocking, I know.

Anyways, tomorrow may be a bit on the boring side compared to my average day. This is mainly due to the fact that Megan is going to be on an all day field trip, so I won't get to see much of her, talk to her, sit with her at lunch, ect. It is rather nice since we are in almost all of the same classes this semester. It helps the days move along, but tomorrow, oh my. It will be boring.

I am so selfish. I am here talking about myself with great sympathy. I should accredit others a lot more often. I should try to include achievements of my peers in here.

Okay, I already told you about Ryo's 3D tank.

The reason Megan is going on this field trip is so that she can see this print that she had entered into this Scholastic art competition in Indianapolis. She is going to see her artwork on display. (I hear her print is like the first thing you see when you walk into the exhibit!)

My old friend Jenny scored first in the backstroke events in state competitions, and second in butterfly. She is a one of a kind swimmer. I am happy for her. I hope she goes to the Olympics in two years. I'm sure she will.


More peer accomplishements to come in future entries!



Rainy Days and Mondays

Okay, well, today isn't rainy. It's quite sunny actually. I just needed a good title for this post.

I have now released a total of ten techno songs. Two of these songs are in the top 50 of their genre on the soundclick.com genre charts.


I don't have very much homework to do today.


I made it into honors English 11 for next year.

Huge yay.

So, more on that honors English. I had to do this long writing sample a couple weeks ago first thing in the morning since I was a prospect student for honors English 11. So, I go in, as tired as can be, and read this long passage. After writing an analytical essay on the passage, I was finally free to go. So, I wait for about two weeks, then finally get my response. It was funny because my mom had gotten it in the mail before I woke up, and when I came upstairs, she was trying to act all discrete about it so that I would be surprised. I just played along and acted extremely shocked, even though I already could tell I made it from the look on her face, and the way she said, "You got a response about honors English."

It was quite hilarious.

Check out my cool techno: Ethyl.



Check this out

At this big music community site, I am ranked number 23 on the IMB subgenre charts! This is 23 out of 3,651 songs! Yay, I'm so happy.




I have been creating techno like it is going out of style.

But then again, maybe it is.

Hopefully not though, since I just got into the scene first-hand.

To give you an idea of how much this is affecting me, I even had a dream last night related to my techno craze. My dream was very abstract and quite exciting. The other chatacters in my dream were a series of Pop'n musicish cartoony things:

Yeah, quite exciting, eh?

So, I was in this sythesizer competition where you had to pretty much face off with another player in a battle of the keyboards! Well, everyone thought that I was some unexperienced newbie to the world of techno and synths, so they stuck up their noses. To their dismay, I somehow managed to make it to the final competition. As I watched the girl go in front of me for the finals, I got extremely nervous and anxious. "Next up, we have Ryan playing the most difficult syth pattern in the world!"
When all of a sudden "beeep, beeep" My alarm. It sucked. I never will know if I won the competition or not. I am beginning to feel like I am going to cry. That dream was so fantastic. It was like my ideal situation of happiness.

I hope that I get to have that dream again tonight, but I highly doubt it.

If you want to hear my best techno song so far, go here: Raindrops



First techno song


I created my first techno song today! Yay! I used Mad Tracker to create it.

If you want to go to my artist page, go here: My artist page.

Pretty cool huh.

No, it isn't as cool as it could be.

The site I decided to host it at only takes .wma files, and highly supports Windows Media Player. It is quite unfortunate, huh?

I am planning on getting hosting at a better place soon, but his will do for now.

I am not watching the super bowl. Well, yeah, I guess I am.


Comic Begins


The first six pages of my comic have been posted on its site for your viewing pleasure. Go here: Beach Aliens.

Heh, I hope you like it. I have been working rather hard on it all week.

Something kinda pissed me off: AOL is trying to amount to the godliness that Google is by creating a free webmail service that provides 2Gig of server space to each user. Unfortunately, it is, of course AOL, plus Gmail gives you over 2Gig and you are always getting more and more.

Stay away from that ugliness that AOL is. Come to the godliness of Gmail.

Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh