C'est les choses dans ma tête.


Jankenpopp Responds!

Today, I get home from the mall, play Guitar Hero, then check my email. In my inbox, there was a piece of happiness!

I got an email from the band Jankenpopp about the Stepmania contest that I entered! Here is what they wrote:

"Hi Ryan,

I found your Stepmix
searching for my name in google
That's NICE !!!!
I used to work sometimes with a Dance Pad
some pictures here:

See U

( ' o ' ) < ( http://jankenpopp.com )"

Yay! I am so happy that they emailed me! Plus, I got to respond in French! Hehehe.

If you aren't in the know, I used their song (licensed under the creative commons) for a simple. I entered the simfile to a contest from Stepmania. (The results should be in soon.)

So, just wanted to share the coolness of this email with you!

Check out their site at jankenpopp.com as you are surfez sur l'Internet!

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Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh