I ♥ Huckabees
I just watched the strangest movie of my life. It is called I ♥ Huckabees.
It is so strange I can't even begin to explain it. Since I am at loss of words after watching it, I'll let theInternet Movie Database give the movie's summary.
"Determined to solve the coincidence of seeing the same conspicuous stranger three times in a day, Albert hires a pair of existentialist detectives, who insist on spying on his everyday life while sharing their views on life and the nature of the universe."
It is a fabulous movie, watch it.
I didn't really understand much of the movie, I mean, I understood the main points, but most of it left me in the dust. Still, this movie hit a spot on me. It gave me chills a few times, and now I feel very dizzy. I think I am just tripping from those pills. Maybe I should sleep before I pass out.
I work tomorrow. The pool again. Only, this time it is for 7 hours instead of 6. I am kinda excited to actually do something with my day.
Wow, I am rocking back and forth. So mesmerized.
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