C'est les choses dans ma tête.


Hippie Chick

Yes, I entitled this blog entry "Hippie Chick." I wanted to show you this picture that is entitled "Hippie Girl":

What do you think? Post comments.

I also made this picture that looks similar. I used the same technique to make this one as the "Hippie Girl" one:

All of these pictures are on Deviant Art plus more. You should check them out sometime.

So, my day was fine. Last night I got these cool clothes.

First, I got this cool Corpse Bride shirt. It r0x0rz. Check it out for yourself:

Then, I decided to "go for a new style." I got this shirt along with my Corpse Bride shirt:

And no, that isn't me in the picture. It is just the guy from the Hot Topic website. So, that's what I wore to school today. Very exciting.

I hope my FFR shirt comes soon.

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Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh