C'est les choses dans ma tête.


You won't S-E-X with me.


Ignore the absurd title. I just can't get that line out of my head. Dammit! Get your fucking head out of the gutter!

(The line's from a song)

Okay, I'm better now. And don't worry. I will practice absinence for a long time. I wouldn't give in during my teenage years!

...Onto better things.

New school schedule.

The highlighted ones are first semester

There it is. Lick it up. Enjoy it.

And in other news, I designed two T-shirts today.
I guess you could say it was actually quite fun!
My newest issue of Wired had a filler thing about this site called Threadless.com.
So, I went, checked it out, signed up, designed two shirts, and called it quits. For now at least.

Here are my two shirt designs. If they are approved, you can actually vote for them and buy them. Yay.

After making those T-shirts, I decided to make some salmon fillets from a whole salmon.

I had no experience with preparing fish, so it was quite an adventure. I found a guide online on how to create a perfect salmon fillet. Mine turned out a bit less than perfect more like a lot less.

But, I got some meat out of the fish, and only 6 teeny bones were found in the fish during the meal. Impressed? Of course you are.

So, my day was almost eventful.

School ends for this season tomorrow. I'm hardly excited.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Salmon is good.

Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh