C'est les choses dans ma tête.


Community Service

Yesterday, I supported communism by volunteering at the neighborhood pool.

It was quite intense work. I think we (Ryo and I) worked for either 4 or 5 hours.

We painted at least 20 benches (by hand) and then painted 3 chairs and one table.

But, we got all of the work finished, and we have gained ourselves some sort of reputation amongst the neighborhood board.

Yawn. It was exhausting work.

Plus, the paint got all over my legs, feet, and arms. That was one of the worst parts of all. Getting the damned paint off of my body. But, that is fortunately all finished too!

So, I feel like I actually accomplished something for my weekend other than studying for these wretched finals.

Before going to help at the pool, I went over to Ryo's house to study for French. We studied for about half an hour or so, until we decided we were set for the upcoming final. After the studying, we headed outside to take pictures of ourselves jumping in the air. It was surprisingly great fun, and some nice photos came out of it.

To see a few of the photos, jump on over to Ryo's Blog.

The best part of all of this is:

It's finally the last weekend before summer vacation! Wew-Whoo!

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Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh