C'est les choses dans ma tête.




I really like this word.

It just says so much!

Well, not really.

But, it does have many meanings:


  1. Orderly and clean; tidy.

  2. Orderly and precise in procedure; systematic.

  3. Marked by ingenuity and skill; adroit: a neat turn of phrase.

  4. Not diluted or mixed with other substances: neat whiskey.

  5. Left after all deductions; net: neat profit.

  6. Slang. Wonderful; terrific: That was a neat party.

  7. A cow or other domestic bovine animal.

Neat is the neatest
Neat is the neatest of all
Neatest is the neat

Man, I suck at haiku poems. I think I broke a few rules, too.

Oh, well.

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Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh