Nobody Knows
I just finished watching the movie titled 'Nobody Knows.' It is a long and fairly good movie. I have seen better ones, but this one isn't the worst. It is just: okay.
Pretty much, you watch these motherless kids try to get by with almost no money for the allotted amount of time. It is rather sad, actually.
Last night, I made another Stepmix for the Stepmania Stepmix contest. It is to another Jankenpopp song. This song is titled V i p. If you want to download the Stepmix I made, get it here: V i p. I worked hard trying to prepare a background animation, but it just wasn't working out. For some reason, the 'p' would always get really funky and unreadable. So, I just did a unanimated background for the Stepmix.
I made a new logo for my Stepmix page! Here it is:
Rather awesome, eh?
I found a series of new filters that I wanted to try out, and the logo is displaying one of them. Heh.
I found myself reading some random freshman girl's blog yesterday, and something really irked me: Every single one of her posts was just a bland anthology of her day with 'lol' tagged onto the end of every sentence. This is no exageration either. In one post, she said 'LOL' three times in two short paragraphs! Total insanity. Plus, she always called things that were stupid: gay. Why? Maybe she has a hating for some group of people and finds the best way to express it using their classification instead of 'stupid?'
Well, dinner is ready. My sister tells me. Goodbye!
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