C'est les choses dans ma tête.


Anime on Google Video & Loop

As I was browsing for funny videos on Google Video search, I stumbled acrossed a whole section with anime episodes! So I watched some Chobits and then some Love Hina last night. It was great!

On Friday, I went to the library to pick up a hold that I had available. Of course, this hold was the long awaited Loop book. I have since delved into this book, now over 100 pages into it. It is a great book. It is contantly provokeing my thoughts to come up with strange ideas about those complicated topics no one likes to talk about(the creation of life, ect.).

I'm sure Megan is eager to read the book, so I want to finish it and give it to her.

Speaking of Megan, this Panic! at the Disco CD is great. Thanks!

I went to Indianapolis again yesterday. It was pretty fun, I suppose. First, we went to this strange grocery Store called Trader Joe's.

Yum, taquitos.

Time to eat. Bye.

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Dessart in the Desert © 2007 by Ryan Alspaugh